1. Time:2019.12.01~12.04
2. Parameters: temperature, salinity,pH, nutrient, TSM, Chla,POC
3. Sampling location: Silawathura reef, Bar reef, Kandakuliya reef
More water quality data may be available from other scientific groups, please contact staff for details
figure1. coral bleaching hotspots and sampling locations
圖二、Bar reef (左)及Kandakuliya reef(右)之海底珊瑚礁現況(攝於2019.12)
figure2. Current status of Bar reef (left) and Kandakuliya reef(right) (Taken on 2019.12)
圖三、Bar reef、Kandakuliya reef海域之溫鹽垂直分布圖
figure3. The vertical distribution of temperature and salinity at the area of Bar reef and Kandakuliya reef